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The Kingdom Family Treasure House remain the means of making advances in a manner designed to achieve for the whole quantity of citizens of the United States a plentiful life done through financial assistance in doing any trade, profession, or occupation, preparation at an early stage of learning, or the natural ability of athletes.
That power of natural law cannot be other than it is for all hard circumstances of life or serious absence of the essential necessities of life, Kingdom Family members must take upon themselves a change in social standing.
By the satisfaction of citizenry’s material necessities or financial obligations the manual workers will take part in the nation’s economic happiness being made better by the organized effort of the Kingdom Family Treasure House that gives life changing help to the homeless, impoverished, the unemployed, the underprivileged bearing the cost of full tuition, affairs of elders, community development, business opportunity, home and farm mortgages, leases, and relief of oppressive devices such as utilities, debts, insurance.
The Restoration and Recovery Branch prepare or plan with State Governments the Kingdom Family Treasure House making available public employment providing work by a permanent logical plan accepted by State Governments to improve the social life of all citizens of every state, a body of rules aimed at all manners of dealing with the plight of the less fortunate. A continuing development of projects that corrects, counteracts, or removes social wrongs done primarily for profit bringing into uniformity professional activities existing in real estate, retail stores, and owners of property that is leased or rented binding all entering into transactions with members of the Kingdom Family to a regular order throughout the nation.