P.O. Box 470 South Fork, Colorado 81154

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  • The Master Plan
    April 2021 - Indefinite

    Nurses having met conditions or requirements set through advanced training assume some of the work and responsibilities in the past done only by doctors without having the training or experience required of a registered nurse licensed by a state authority.

    The Kingdom Family Treasure House assume the financial obligation for the amount that maybe loss in lawsuits, required money disbursed and financial cost, salaries, and wages financially obligated to privately operated home nursing care for the aged or the chronically ill awaiting full recovery.

    Persons who violate the law being confined is of a nature certain to happen, cannot be escaped and cannot logically be voided or nullified, the Kingdom Family Treasure House must have unconditional authority to change for the better or correction of faults of what is imperfect, ruined by flaws, and morally debased imprisonment.

    Persons proved guilty of an act committed in violation of a law inferior to major crimes in degree held in prisons where convicted criminals serving longer sentences are confined grant release from their loss or limitation of liberty, the jailing of people in legal keeping of the police puts limitations on the Kingdom Family Treasure House organized activities working toward bringing them back to good character in view of the public, reestablishing their good name, and bringing them to useful and constructive activity.

    Put together a body of persons organized to make the manner or method of treating minor offenders to have an effect on their behavior, the pleasurable experience of personal release from imprisonment makes changing the path of conduct to be followed easier by updating to good advantage the conditions surrounding or affecting prisoners changing the customary way of being punished taking away wrong acts, being treating badly, and bring into use a better course of action causing prisoners to abandon evil ways.

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